Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Where is the site upon which it is proposed to develop the synthetic turf and clubhouse facilities?
Collier Reserve is situated to the west of the City’s Operations Centre on Thelma St Como. The reserve is Crown land vested to the City for parks and recreation purposes. The reserve is used informally for soccer, and formally by Wesley College for school sports. It is shown on the plan below (with the existing changing facilities / pavilion in the northwest corner).
The reserve also lies to the east of Collins Oval, the middle oval shown below, which is Crown land directly leased to Wesley College from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. This oval is used primarily by Wesley College, but also the South Perth Baseball Club. This land is shown on the plan below with a centralised cricket wicket. The western oval is Bill Grayden Reserve which is used by Trinity Aquinas Football Club in winter and South Perth Baseball Club in summer.

Where will the potential turf and associated clubhouse facility be placed within Collier Reserve?
The turf and clubhouse facility are planned to be located in the south-east corner of Collier Reserve adjacent to the City’s Operations Centre. The precise location is not fully determined yet as this is part of the assessment process which is ongoing. Indicative plans are shown below.
The clubhouse facility size, design and location are still to be determined but this is also shown indicatively on the plan below.
Additional grass pitches are also shown on the plan to highlight the number of available rectangular pitches remaining on both Collier Reserve and the adjacent Collins Oval.

Why do WASPs and Wesley College need a synthetic turf?
To ensure the long-term viability of the Club and to permit its user base to grow, the provision of a synthetic turf and rectangular grass pitches on the same site are essential. It assists the club in managing its volunteer resources more efficiently and allows the club to generate income to sustain and expand club activities. Gradually, hockey competition at all levels is moving to synthetic turfs which permit extended use under lights. The Club has over 40 teams competing across junior, senior and veterans ranks with both men and women. Of those teams approximately 30 teams play on synthetic turf, away from the Club’s home at Richardson Park. This long term trend has caused the Club to be disjointed, reduced sponsorship opportunities, clubhouse revenue, and threatens the Club’s long term viability. Similarly, the synthetic turf enables Wesley College to expand its sports programs and manage its green space use more efficiently.
Will the turf be floodlit?
Yes, it is intended to provide LED sports floodlighting to the synthetic turf only at a competition level of 500lux luminance value. The sports floodlighting will be subject to operational restrictions limiting the use to a maximum of 10pm. The floodlight designs will include cowls which are directional and contain the lighting to the surface, minimize any potential light spill and minimise source glare. It should be noted that LED lighting is more energy efficient than Halogen lighting and there is much less “spill” with LED lights than Halogen lights.
How many and how high will the floodlighting towers be?
The detailed design is yet to be undertaken but it is likely there will be 8 towers (1 each corner and 2 extra on both sides). The height of each tower is approximately 18m.
What will the water usage of the turf facility be?
Both WASP’s and Wesley College are mindful that the City of South Perth is a Waterwise Council and therefore is seeking to develop a turf which will provide a positive net value return in the use of water. A comparable, typical wet synthetic surface in Perth has a watering regime that uses about 4,200Kl per year. In comparison, a typical equivalent grass sporting ground requires about 30mm per week in the watering season which will use about 7,500Kl per year per hectare. A synthetic turf and surrounds is about 7000m2. In other words, the standard wet synthetic turf will require about 20% less water needed for an equivalent grass sporting ground.
The use of hybrid synthetic turfs is being explored which could further minimise water usage. This will be subject to detailed analysis.
Will the clubhouse be either a raised single storey or two storey building?
It is intended a single storey clubhouse will be slightly raised above the turf to include opportunities for good spectator viewing. Detailed designs have yet to be developed, but at this stage both two storey and single level options are being considered. Given the remote location of the clubhouse, it is highly unlikely that either option would have any detrimental impact on surrounding residents.
Will the clubhouse use be subject to use restrictions?
Yes, it is likely that the clubhouse will be subject to operational restrictions limiting the use of functions and any associated bar activities. This would likely be controlled by a noise management plan or through conditions associated with a subsequent Development Application which are yet to be advised.
Will the synthetic turf be fenced?
Yes, it is intended to fence the synthetic turf area to provide protection from vandalism and to ensure stray balls do not impact on community use of the adjoining grassed area. The fenced area and clubhouse will cover approximately 10% of the total contiguous green space area of Bill Grayden Reserve, Collins Oval and Collier Reserve.
How often will the Turf and Clubhouse be used?
It is the intention that the synthetic turf will be used throughout the year outside of the normal hockey season to facilitate other community-based and school sport. However, the most intense usage will occur within the hockey season from March through to October (inclusive of pre-season training). Most WASP matches are played on Saturday afternoons/evenings and Sunday day-time and evenings with training occurring in the evenings during the week. Wesley College hockey matches are generally played on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings with before school and after school mid-week training.
Who will manage the turf and clubhouse?
The turf and clubhouse will be managed through a joint agreement between WASPs and Wesley College with both parties having equal responsibility for the ongoing maintenance and replacement of the asset.
Will the public be able to access Collier Reserve, Collins Oval and Bill Grayden Reserve?
Yes, public use will remain unaffected for Collins Oval and Bill Grayden Reserve, as well as the remaining grassed areas of Collier Reserve. There will be no restrictions for current user groups except when in use for training and matches, as is currently the case.
Will any trees be lost because of the development?
It is intended to ensure that, where practical, minimal tree loss will occur, and all trees of high value are to be retained. If a tree is to be removed the loss will be offset in accordance with the City of South Perth Policy. It is likely that some non-native palm trees adjoining the western boundary of the City’s Operations Depot and the proposed synthetic turf area will need to be removed.
Will additional car parking be provided?
It is the intention to use the existing hard standing area which is accessed off Murray Street for the purposes of users of the synthetic turf and the clubhouse facility along with the existing carpark off Thelma Street. It is not considered that the synthetic turf and clubhouse use will demand car parking requirements over and above what is already in place. A parking and traffic study will be undertaken as part of the detailed feasibility study.
Is this proposal related to the City of South Perth Regional Aquatic Facility (RAF)?
This is an independent proposal and is not linked to the development of the RAF proposed by the City of South Perth. Should the RAF progress, it will be located to the immediate south of the synthetic turf and clubhouse facility and there may be potential benefits in the sharing of infrastructure. At this stage however, this is not a material consideration.